
Christian worship hour
Christian worship hour

Your worship will be enhanced when your heart is aligned with God, humility makes your worship acceptable and you touch deeper realms of worship when you actively engage in spirit tongued worship, which should be a Christian daily exercise. Because we carry his spirit and we are seated in Christ who is the Truth, our worship is not limited to the expression of lyrics alone, but a step by step display of reverence to God in everything we do. Every breath taken should remind us to constantly worship God. In God’s original scheme of things, Man was created to worship God. So worship must be done with/from our spirit, not by carnal knowledge or worldly wisdom and must be done in the truth of God’s Word. Scripture says He is the way, the truth and life. It is an act that can only happen in truth. Worship should occur without time restrictions and not restricted to places just as spirits can’t be restricted. It was Jesus’ brief but in-depth description of worship, which is a long way away from what we all have reduced worship to. Have you ever taken time to reflect on that scripture above? Those were the words of Jesus to the Samaritan woman. Many have fallen short of the true understanding of worship, hence we don’t worship as we should. If you were asked how often do you worship, you will proceed to give a time frame to determine how and when you worship. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth” – John 4:23-24 The legacy he left will endure for generations, and today, the Christian Worship Hour is reaching more people than ever before.“But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. Pastor Salem entered into the presence of the Lord on December 18, 2020, in Aberdeen, SD. Of her, Pastor Salem writes, "If I have attained any good in this life it is because of the help of Jesus Christ and my dear wife, Beulah, who stood by me, believed in me, encouraged me for 59 1/2 years and without whose loving help I could not have run the race." His wife, Beulah, went to be with the Lord on Christmas Eve, 2005. Pastor Salem and his wife Beulah have four children: Sharron, Daniel, Patty, and Michael. Digital podcasts of services can be reached on nine platforms which include Apple, I-Tunes, Spotify, and I-Heart Radio. Today, the broadcast is carried on hundreds of television and radio stations across the country.


In August 2010, he resigned from First Baptist Church to give full time to the Christian Worship Hour as a preacher offering TV and radio worship services around the world. In January 1958, he accepted the call to the First Baptist Church of Aberdeen, South Dakota, where he served for 52 1/2 years, during which time a new sanctuary, Christian Education building, gymnasium, and youth center were built.Ĭhristian Worship Hour began in January of 1979 by telecasting live worship services on a single TV station, KABY-TV in Aberdeen. In June of 1944, he began serving the First Baptist Church of Belle Fourche, South Dakota, his home church and his first church. He also earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, Lombard, Illinois. He then graduated from Northwestern Bible School and Seminary, Minneapolis, earning a Master's degree in Theology. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Black Hills State University. Salem was born near Belle Fourche, South Dakota and graduated from Belle Fourche High School.

Christian worship hour